Why Professional Programs in Technology and Innovation?

Why Professional Programs in Technology and Innovation

Berkeley’s Professional Programs in Technology and Innovation are mainly offered as customizable programs that enable organizations to upscale employees’ skill sets. Employers are able to customize their program based on target training needs of their organization, utilizing technology concepts and frameworks to solve issues and maximize training ROI.

Building Your Custom Program

Discovery – Collaborate with the Professional Programs in Technology and Innovation team to discover which of the modules provide the most opportunity and ROI for your organization

Build – After identifying target training areas, choose 3+ modules to build out a custom content program. Modules can come from a single program or a combination of any of our available modules. Organizations, with the approval of the faculty director, can add a specialization title on the certificate

Increase the Learning – Each module includes a one-hour presentation from the instructor. To maximize learning, you can add a final week to galvanize the concepts learned. The final module can consist of either an industry panel or project debrief

Measurable Results – Each module has a mini exam at the end to evaluate participants’ learning, who need to achieve an 80% grade average to qualify for their certificate

Recognition After successfully completing the program, each participant receives a certificate of completion from Berkeley’s College of Engineering. Click here for a sample certificate

Module Framework

Each module is designed with the following format and contains 5-7 hours of content:

  • Monday – Foundational Information: participants find readings, journal articles and videos giving them a base of understanding to move through the module
  • Tuesday – Instructional video lectures: instructors have prepared 45 minutes of video lectures on the important concepts of the module topic and how it works in organizations
  • Wednesday – Learning Activity: participants work on an  activity to transform theory and lecture into the practical
  • Thursday – Study Hall Day: executives are busy! This day is built in for those participants who may need extra time to catch up on or finish assignments. If someone  caught up, there are more  knowledge test quizzes they can choose to participate in
  • Friday – Live Zoom Lecture: instructors customize the module materials for companies’ educational needs with a 45 minute lecture. Participants are able to interact directly with the instructor

Features of this learning framework:

  • Content is flexible and matches organizational needs. This way, clients do not pay for knowledge on what they are already doing effectively
  • Flipped classroom learning
  • Standard week: Monday- readings, Tuesday- video lectures, Wednesday- activity day, Thursday- study day, Friday- live lecture with the professor
  • Built in “study day.” Executives are busy, so this gives them time to catch up
  • Hands-on activities to pull video lectures and readings together
  • Each module follows a standardized format which encourages psychological safety and learning
  • Each module features content delivered by experts in their respective fields. With multiple modules, participants also get exposed to diverse points of views
  • All learning modes are addressed in the program (e.g., visual, audio, kinesthetic, etc.)
  • High touch and feel with access to faculty through email, live lecture, and an optional industry panel or product
  • Results of the program are verified through module exams. Participants must pass an aggregate of 80% of the program’s content as measured through module quizzes