Program Overview

Access the best of Berkeley Engineering in just five weeks from a classroom near you. Each week, you will complete an intensive study of two fields central to engineering. This requires: 6–8 instructional hours via Global Live technology 12-20 independent study hours When you finish the program, you will receive: Berkeley College of Engineering Certificate…

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Module 1: Programming and Physics

THE ESSENTIALS OF PROGRAMMING Basic arrays, definition and manipulations, functions and plotting—essential computer programming basics for those interested in computer science, data science, and information management. Basic programming Basic arrays, definitions, and manipulations Functions and plotting FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS I Understand water, so essential to life, with the basics of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics: properties of…

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Module 2: Linear Algebra and Physics

THE ESSENTIALS OF LINEAR ALGEBRA Review the essentials of linear algebra for engineering applications. Starting from matrix manipulations, extensive use of engineering applications is used to illuminate and motivate matrix operations, types of matrices, and properties of matrices. Motivational applications Matrix and vector algebra: various products Eigenvalues and eigenvectors FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS II Explore how fundamental…

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Module 3: Circuits, Probability and Statistics

CIRCUITS Build on the mathematical tools taught earlier in the program: how analog circuits can be modeled as systems of algebraic and differential equations, the basics of transistor modeling, and how transistors can be used to build digital circuits. Basic principles of resistive circuits Translation of resistive circuits into systems of linear algebraic equations Basic…

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Module 4: Modeling and Simulation Tools for Industrial Research Applications

THE FIELD OF SIMULATION MACHINE-LEARNING AND OPTIMIZATION Learn techniques of modeling and simulation, numerical methods, and their implementation on physical problems motivated by real-world phenomena that engineers and scientists are likely to encounter in their careers involving energy systems, materials engineering, structural analysis, dynamics, controls, etc. Master the concept of “optimal” and Classical Gradient-based Methods…

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