Module 1 – Entrepreneurship in the Platform economy: Exploiting Network Effects.

How did Google, Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, and Tencent come to dominate the economy so quickly? How can entrepreneurs compete with them and build their own successful platform businesses? Digital platforms have completely upended traditional strategic analysis tools. This course considers a wide variety of platforms, investigating their network dynamics, business models, scaling and regulatory challenges,…

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Module 3 – Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship: Exploiting your Intellectual Capital.

When are patents essential to a successful entrepreneurial venture? How can you build and defend your intellectual capital? While patents are not always necessary (or even helpful) to entrepreneurship, they are sometimes indispensable to competition and funding. This course outlines how to analyze your intellectual property, understand its value and vulnerabilities, identify competitors and collaborators,…

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Module 7 – Entrepreneurship within and Outside of the Established Firm.

How can established firms maintain an entrepreneurial culture? How can they benefit from the entrepreneurial ideas of their employees? Large firms often fail to take full advantage of their internal talent, for fear that employees will leave and ultimately compete with them. This course discusses how to create and foster entrepreneurial efforts within the firm,…

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